оно божественно *___*
оказывается беон может быть полезен
и вторая часть, как бы тоже самое но в другом варианте
here are the english lyrics:
The first ALICE was a galant red one
Wielding a swrod in a hand in the wonderland, Slicing down everything in her way, She was followed by a bloody red path.
This new ALICE deep in the woods
Was trapped as a wanted fugitive
If it weren't for the red path that she made
No one would think that she even existed.
The second ALICE was a fragile blue one
He sang to the world in the wonderland
Filling regions with so many false created notes, That were of a crazy blue world.
This new ALICE was that of a rose
He was shot and killed by a mad man
It left a flower blooming sadly red
The one who was loved was now forgotten.
The third ALICE was a little green one
Very cute and dear in the wonderland
She charmed people to her every beck and call, She made a strange green country.
This new ALICE was the country's qween
Taken over by a distorted dream
She wa afraid of losing to death
She would forever rule her country.
During this two children went into the woods.
They had a tea party under rose trees
An invitation from the castle fro them was
The trump card of hearts.
The fourth ALICE was two siblings
Their curiosity in the wonderland
Going through many different doors
Coming not to long in a yellow boat
The stubborn big sister
And smart little brother
Though they were the closest to ALICE'S WONDERLAND
They were never woken from their deep dreaming
Forever they wandered in the wonderland.
She went insane from being unable to look at herself.
The 4th Alice were twins. They found wonderland by wandering through many doors. They wandered through each of the other Alice's doors. Until they found their own door they stepped inside. The dream( was evil by then ) trapped them inside. They're still wandering in Wonderland trying to find a way escape. They each had half of the heart. So they couldn't escape. They haven't woken up from their dream.
I think it goes like this. The 1st Alice created the paths in Wonderland. She killed everything in her way. Where ever she went there was a trail of blood. She was trapped in the forest(sometimes in a cell or thorns it depends on the video version) as a siner who killed many.
The second Alice loved to sing,and wrote a song, everytime he sung it he became crazier. That song created a very insane world. He was shot in the head or heart by himself or a madman.
And from his wound the most beautiful rose bloomed.
The 3rd Alice was a little,vain girl. Her cuteness decieved everyone. She became a queen of a country. She treated everyone unfairly and ruled with greed and corruption. She found a way to make herself immortal(and in my opinion) she had give up the most imprtant thing. Which was her reflection. And when ever she looked in a mirror she saw the way she truely looked, only seeing rotting flesh.
русский текстПервая Алиса была красной храброй
С мечем в одной руке ,через Страну чудес
Она разрубила много вещей на своем пути
Создавая свою дорогу из крови
Алиса вошла глубоко в лес и тогда
она попала в ловушку
Заключенный грешник
Было невозможно узнать что она была здесь
Кроме красного пути идущего за ней...
Вторая Алиса был спокойным синим...
Распевая песнь, которая заполняла Страну Чудес,
По фальшивым нотам,
Он сеял сумасшествие в стране Чудес...
Этот Алиса был рожден из цветка
И был убит выстрелом одноглазого...
И из раны вырос цветок.
Все кто любил его начали умирать...
Третья Алиса была невинная зеленая,
с прекрасной фигурой,здесь в Стране Чудес.
Она обманула многих преследуя свои цели.
Странная страна появилась тогда,
И Алиса была королевой страны,
охваченная искажённой мечтой.
Боясь потерять свою жизнь из-за старости
повелевала страной своей она вечно
Идя вперед по красному пути в лес
Под синими кустами роз,двое пили чай
Приглашение в замок для них пришло
С картой сердец
Четвертой Алисой была пара двойняшек.
Они путешествовали через Страну Чудес
Они проходили через двери чтобы видеть разные вещи,
блуждая вокруг после прибытия.
Упрямая старшая сестра и умный младший брат.
Они бродили вокруг Страны Чудес первой Алисы...
Этим двоим не было суждено проснуться ото сна
Поэтому близнецы путешествовали через страну чудес вечно